

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 9.8.0?

Released: October 12th, 2020

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 9.8.0:


  • Include connections by referencing their names in the optional parameter &connection=connectionName of the generating webservice bundles endpoint, e.g. /api/rest/resources/home/admin/deploymentTest?format=webservice&connection=MyFirstDB&connection=MySecondDB
  • Generating webservice bundles on root repository level now insert /root/ as deployment base path
  • RapidMiner header logo click now redirects to root index page
  • Added /api/rest/public/instance REST endpoint is publicly available and enhanced with user origin information
  • Display dates in clients and ai hubs timezone on schedules page
  • Added the ability to toggle LFS for a Project
  • Added LFS endpoints
    • /lfs/{repo}/objects/batch (batch process LFS objects)
    • /lfs/{repo}/objects/{oid} (meta data retrieval of an object)
    • /lfs/{repo}/objects/{oid} (store an object)
    • /lfs/{repo}/objects/content/{oid} (content retrieval of an object)
    • /lfs/{repo}/objects (verify object)
  • RTSA now uses no encryption context to support Connections from the central repository
  • Added context action menu in repository content browser
  • Added cleanupFirst parameter to the repository content upload API
  • Added upload content zip UI to the repository contents page
  • Replaced queues permitted groups by new permissions system
    • UI for editing queue permissions allows the addition or removal of users from the queue owners group
    • Provide a migration to the new permission system (old groups will have READ, EXECUTE and OWNER permission)
  • RTSA now supports encrypted connections
  • Updated the Icon within all the UI
  • Changed the color scheme for the UI
  • Added log auditing as a post received hook for projects
  • Change multipart upload limit to 5 GB by default
  • The dashboard page provides a date range filter for process execution metrics
  • Enhanced embedded ActiveMQ broker management
    • Added property broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.wipeWorkDir to enable wiping the entire broker working directory before start
    • Added property broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.journalMaxFileLength to set maximum file size in MB for each log/journal file, defaults to 128 (in MB)
    • Added property broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.checkForCorruptJournalFiles to recover corrupt journal files, defaults to true
    • Added property broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.cleanupInterval which determines the interval to check for non-referenced journal files, defaults to 5000 (in milliseconds)
  • Enhanced Job Agent ActiveMQ handling
    • Add keepAlive = true as a new default broker URI parameter
    • Add connectionTimeout = 0 as a new default broker URI parameter
  • User can now sort the schedules table


  • Fixed repository location for delete action in version history
  • Adjusted height and scroll for the project content table
  • Fixed JNA library compatibility issue for the Job Agent and Job Container
  • Fixed timing issues with the Job Containers capacity check
  • Fixed connection test issue related to repository name
  • Fixed calculation of expires_in and expires_at for LFS batch response