

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 9.10.2?

Released: November 12th 2021

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 9.10.2:


  • By default, all temporary files for Job Containers now reside inside the $jobAgentHome/data/containers/$containerName/tmp folder instead of the OS temporary folder
    • Temporary files created during the life cycle of a Job Container are now cleaned properly (shutdown and restart) when residing inside the Job Container's working directory
    • Behavior can be changed to use the OS temporary folder by setting jobagent.container.useSystemTempDir to true, defaults to false
    • When you like to explicitly set to an absolute directory via jobagent.container.jvmCustomOptions, you need to set useSystemTempDir to true before
  • Reject Project snapshots when underlying Git or LFS storage has insufficient disk space left. This is configurable via newly added properties:
    • repositories.gitEnableDiskspaceCheckHook (defaults to true)
    • repositories.gitDiskspaceCheckThreshold (defaults to 5120M, use T, G, M or K for Tera/Giga/Mega/Kilobytes)
    • repositories.lfsEnableDiskspaceCheck (defaults to true)
    • repositories.minLfsDiskspaceCheckThreshold (defaults to 5120M, use T, G, M or K for Tera/Giga/Mega/Kilobytes)
  • Added ability for registering a default symmetric encryption context which is used to derive credentials stored inside the RapidMiner Studio Core wallet
    • Configure via using the following properties depending on the application:
      • Job Container / Job Agent:
        • Enable or disable via jobcontainer.registerDefaultSymmetricEncryptionContext.enabled, defaults to true
        • Set an explicit key location via jobcontainer.registerDefaultSymmetricEncryptionContext.keyLocation, defaults to ${containerDir}/.RapidMiner/encryption/symmetric/default-local-context.rmek
      • Scoring Agent:
        • Enable or disable via scoring-agent.registerDefaultSymmetricEncryptionContext.enabled, defaults to false
        • Set an explicit key location via scoring-agent.registerDefaultSymmetricEncryptionContext.keyLocation, defaults to ${scoring-agent-home}/config/rapidminer/.RapidMiner/encryption/symmetric/default-local-context.rmek
      • AI Hub for Execution Backend:
        • Enable or disable via jobservice.registerDefaultSymmetricEncryptionContext.enabled, defaults to false
        • Set an explicit key location via jobservice.registerDefaultSymmetricEncryptionContext.keyLocation, defaults to ${rmhomeDir}/.RapidMiner/encryption/symmetric/default-local-context.rmek


  • Fixed side effects during parallel execution for Model IOObjects and the attribute generation