

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 9.10.10?

Released: 14th July 2022

If you’re not yet on at least version 9.10.4, upgrading to this version of RapidMiner AI Hub includes database and RapidMiner AI Hub home directory migration steps.

Directly updating to this version is possible and recommended, but ensure that you do not abort AI Hub startup while migration is in progress and please ensure to also read all instructions outlined in version 9.10.4.


  • Increased default log verbosity
  • Added overriding process logging (log_verbosity) in Job Container via with properties
    • jobagent.container.process.logging.override.enabled to enable override (defaults to false)
    • jobagent.container.process.logging.override.level to set the level (defaults to ALL)
  • Increased embedded Studio Core version to 9.10.10
  • Validate admin and service flags from JWT in System-Settings endpoint


  • Provide valid token on system settings retrieval
  • Change Execution mode of RTS to SCORING_AGENT instead of JOB_CONTAINER
  • Strip common 80 and 443 ports from LFS server responses