What's New in RapidMiner Studio 9.0.3?
Released: October 4th, 2018
The following describes the bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 9.0.3:
- The Windows installer now automatically goes to the Finish page after all files have been copied instead of waiting for the user to click "Next".
- Performance (Ranking) and Performance (Costs) no longer report a wrong micro average when used inside a Cross Validation.
- Stacking does now work inside other Ensamble operators.
- Fixed Outlier Detection in Auto Model.
- Bugfix for some Time Series operators (notably Process Windows) which did not reset the data from the input port after the operators were executed.
- Bugfix for Windowing, in case the attribute selection results in no attributes selected.
- Fixed location of the some dialogs in multi screen setups.