

What's New in RapidMiner Studio 9.0.2?

Released: September 5th, 2018

The following describes the bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 9.0.2:


  • Improved user interface responsiveness when running processes
  • Changed progress bar progression for updates to better reflect the actual update process when downloading from the Marketplace
  • Improved default parameters for K-Means, K-Means (fast), K-Means (kernel), X-Means, K-nn, Parallel Decision Tree, ID3, CHAID, Parallel Random Forest, Neural Net and Join to better reflect commonly used values
  • Fixed a problem where entering the wrong credentials to connect ot a remote repository could take a long time to ask for new credentials
  • Improved password input dialog to show that the credentials were invalid or something else went wrong
  • Improved configuration of remote repository when editing the repository
  • Viewing Collection results no longer display lots of wasted space on the left side
  • Restore Default View is now only available for the Design and Result view
  • Enabled "Show location of current Process" for Training Resources


  • Fixed a bug in which the process panel becomes invisible.
  • Fixed a bug where the process panel was displayed only partially
  • Fixed possible crash on startup on Windows
  • Date to Numerical does now produce Real attribute instead of Integer to prevent truncation
  • Fixed behavior of the Unify Item Sets
  • Fixed bug in Join when using date-time attributes as key
  • Fixed bug with K-Means (fast) causing Determine good start values parameter to be ignored
  • Fixed bug if a process is opened from a file system path that contains more than 150 characters
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Studio from starting
  • Fixed process background image location when zooming in
  • Fixed potential infinity loop with K-Means and X-Means if Determine good start values was used.
  • Fixed a bug in time series operators regarding parameter misbehavior