

What's New in RapidMiner Server 9.3.0?

Released: May 28th, 2019

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 9.3.0:


  • Improved team collaboration with the way of managing data connectivity
  • Added Enterprise Single Sign On functionality by incorporating SAML 2.0 protocol
  • Add audit.enabled property to enable simple log auditing
  • Ensure that administrators cannot delete all users including themselves
  • JA will shutdown after start-up if configured job queue does not exist
  • Disabled HTML autocomplete for all password fields in the web interface
  • The ActiveMQ broker will not be exposed into JMX by default
  • Extracted embedded broker to a separate project
  • Adjustments for ActiveMQ broker properties
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.enabled is now broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.enabled
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.protocol is now broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.protocol
    • is now
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.port is now broker.activemq.embeddedBroker.port
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.workDir has been removed
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.uri is now broker.activemq.uri
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.username is now broker.activemq.username
    • jobservice.queue.activemq.password is now broker.activemq.password


  • Fixed problem with installer default memory suggestion in case of more than 128GB RAM
  • Fixed moving encapsulated empty folders within the repository
  • Fixed restoring repository ZIP dumps
  • Fixed occurrence of deadlocks with jobservice_job and jobservice
  • Fixed recurring synchronization when synchronization is partially disabled
  • Fixed problem with ActiveMQ not being reachable because of a false hostname
  • Fixed selection of legacy database connections in the web UI