

What's New in RapidMiner Server 9.1.0?

Released: December 13th, 2018

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 9.1.0:


  • Rewrote and redesigned the process scheduler. It offers now a new REST API
  • Added functionality to define execution alerts via standard logging or via mail
  • Added new libs/ folder in the resource folder of the Job Agent. This allows to add custom libraries that will be available on the classpath during process execution.
  • The .RapidMiner folder of RapidMiner Server has been moved from the user space to the home directory
  • The Job Container now respects the defined JAVA_HOME of the related Job Agent and will use the Java binary from the PATH only as fallback
  • Added the possibility to disallow multiple sessions per user in the web interface which is switched off by default (this feature is not supported in high availability mode)
    • Enable the feature by setting com.rapidanalytics.web.session.limit.enabled to true
    • Set a maximum amount of allowed parallel sessions per user by setting com.rapidanalytics.web.session.limit.enabled.amount to any number higher than 0, default value is 1
  • Prepared RapidMiner Server for High Availability mode
    • Allow to inspect instance server logs via drop-down menu
    • Adjustments for ActiveMQ broker properties
      • jobservice.queue.activemq.embedded is now jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.enabled
      • jobservice.queue.activemq.protocol is now jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.protocol
      • is now
      • jobservice.queue.activemq.port is now jobservice.queue.activemq.embeddedBroker.port
    • Adjustments for connecting to ActiveMQ broker
      • Added jobservice.queue.activemq.uri which reflects addresses for ActiveMQ instance(s)
      • Added jobagent.queue.activemq.uri which reflects addresses for ActiveMQ instance(s)
      • Removed jobagent.queue.activemq.protocol,, jobagent.queue.activemq.port
    • Licenses are now reloaded periodically. Interval can be defined in milliseconds via com.rapidanalytics.license.reload_interval. The default value is 1800000 (30 min).
  • The installer now retains the JWT secret and the ActiveMQ username and password when pointing to an existing RapidMiner home directory during the installation
  • Improved the Job Agent download dialog with auto-generated cURL command
  • Changed the default autosave option for PostgreSQL to conservative
  • Memory consumption on job details page is still shown after job completion
  • Added RapidMiner Community link to the navigation menu


  • Fixed persistence of processes during repository initialization
  • Fixed streaming of MetaData which was created by a not loaded extension
  • Fixed Internet Explorer compatibility issues for the Web App interface
  • Fixed LDAP case sensitive name binding