RapidMiner Job Container
Job Containers are the back-end components of Auto Model Web that execute CPU-heavy computations such as model training and prediction. The default docker-compose-services only starts one Job Container on the same host as Auto Model Web, but in a production environment multiple Job Containers should be started on separate machines. The load balancing between JC instances is handled by the AMQ service. A JC instance only performs one job at a time, so the next job in queue will be picked by the JC instance that first becomes idle.
Job Containers depend on the license file at licenses/rapidminer-auto-model directory - if this is not present JC will not start. This folder is automatically mounted into the file system of every Auto Model Web and Job Container instance - so there's no need to copy it manually.
The computation power is limited by license configuration (logical processor and memory usage). The constraints for different license types are listed below:
Edition | Data rows | Logical processors | Memory |
Free | 10.000 | 1 | Unlimited (due to 10.000 row limit) |
Unit | - | 8 / unit | 64 GB / unit |
The unit based edition provides a more flexible way to control the resources as the unit count multiplies the base boundaries.
Configuration using environment variables
A Job Container is a Spring Boot application. It currently has a single valid Spring profile value: broker-amq
Table of default environment variables:
Environment variable name | Description |
JOB_QUEUE | AMQ job queue name |
JOB_STATUS_QUEUE | AMQ status queue name |
JOB_COMMAND_TOPIC | AMQ topic name |
AMQ_USERNAME | AMQ username |
AMQ_PASSWORD | AMQ password |
_JAVA_OPTIONS | Java options directly passed to the JVM. Use this to configure memory settings and others |