RapidMiner Auto Model Web

RapidMiner Auto Model Web (AM) is a Spring Boot application.


There are 2 levels of configuration for Auto Model Web:

  • Spring profiles
  • environment variables

Using Spring profiles

As Auto Model Web is a Spring Boot application, it can be configured using the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable in docker-compose-services.yml.
This is a comma separated list of the active spring profiles.

Available profiles:

Spring profile Description
db-postgresql AM uses PostgreSQL database
db-h2 AM uses H2 database
exec-jc Job Containers as execution back-end
exec-js Job Service as execution back-end
broker-amq AMQ for messaging

The default value is db-postgresql,exec-jc,broker-amq. This means that the default database is PostgreSQL, and the default execution back-end is provided by Job Containers, and AMQ messaging is used between Automodel and the Job Container instances. If no execution profile is set AM will run processes internally.

Using environment variables

On top of these profiles you can also specify environment variables -- these will override the default value of the profiles.

Table of default environment variables -- these are the minimum required with the above profiles:

Environment variable name Description
DB_HOST docker service for DB
BASE_URL external base URL used on the frontend - e.g. http://localhost:30000
RMID_BASE_URL internal docker service URL for RMID -e.g. http://rapidminer-automodel-rmid:8080
AUTH_SECRET authentication secret used between services -- i.e AM and RMID
AUTOMODELER_FRONTEND_TRACKING_ENABLED enable event tracking service (internal analytics)
JOB_QUEUE AMQ job queue name
JOB_STATUS_QUEUE AMQ status queue name

Further useful environment variables:

Environment variable name Description
AUTOMODELER_FRONTEND_CLOUDAPPS_DROPBOXAPPID Dropbox application id for importing files from cloud
AUTOMODELER_FRONTEND_CLOUDAPPS_ONEDRIVEAPPID Microsoft One Drive application id for importing files from cloud
SPRING_SERVLET_MULTIPART_MAX_FILE_SIZE Maximal Data file size has to be given in bytes upto 2GB
AUTOMODELER_FILESTORE_MIN_ROW_LIMIT Minimal no. of data rows for more reliable predictions (default 50)
AUTOMODELER_EXECUTION_TASK_LIMIT_PER_USER The no. of parallel task that can be submitted by a single user (default 4)
AUTOMODELER_EXECUTION_QUEUE_LIMIT_PER_USER The no. of modeling tasks that jobContainers can pick up concurrently. Note that this ultimately should match the no. of jobContainer instances running simultaneously (default 1)
AUTOMODELER_EXECUTION_MAXIMUM_TOTAL_RESULT_SIZE Maximal size of RapidMiner result set given in MB
_JAVA_OPTIONS Java options directly passed to the JVM. Use this to configure memory settings and others


The license determines how many data rows can be uploaded. The constraints for different license types are listed below:

Edition Data rows Logical processors Memory
Free 10.000 1 Unlimited (due to 10.000 row limit)
Unit - 8 / unit 64 GB / unit