Docker image for Job Agent

The documentation below describes the following Docker image:

  • Job Agent for RapidMiner Server 9.2 (rapidminer-execution-jobagent)

For the latest Docker images and documentation released by RapidMiner, see Docker Hub.


This image contains a Job Agent that can be attached to any RapidMiner Server with a matching version number.

Environment variables

The Job Agent accepts the following environment variables during startup:

  • RAPIDMINER_SERVER_HOST: the hostname of RapidMiner Server
  • RAPIDMINER_SERVER_PORT: the port for RapidMiner Server
  • JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_URI: the URI of the Active MQ (usually embedded in RapidMiner Server)
  • JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME: the username for the Active MQ
  • JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD: the password for the Active MQ
  • JOBAGENT_AUTH_SECRET: The auth secret used to authenticate to RapidMiner Server
  • JOBAGENT_CONTAINER_COUNT: The number of Job Containers assigned to the Job Agent
  • JOB_QUEUE: The name of the queue the Job Agent connects to
  • JOBAGENT_CONTAINER_MEMORYLIMIT: The amount of memory provided to the Job Containers

Good to know

The RapidMiner Job Agent requires some memory. On Windows hosts, please make sure that the Docker Engine is configured to run with enough memory.


In the following script, all the terms with <brackets> need to be replaced with values that are defined by you and are unique to your configuration.

Example configuration for docker-compose

The following example docker-compose.yml file can be used with docker-compose:

version: '3'
    image: rapidminer/rapidminer-execution-jobagent:9.2.0
      - RAPIDMINER_SERVER_HOST=<host.of.the.rapidminer.server>
      - JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_URI=failover:(tcp://<host.of.the.rapidminer.server>:5672)
      - JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME=<some-amq-username>
      - JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD=<some-secure-amq-password>
      - JOBAGENT_AUTH_SECRET=<some-auth-secret>