

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.3.1?

Released: 11th January 2024

Version 10 is a major version upgrade when you are currently on version 9. Please ensure to read the upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.3.1:

AI Hub

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub.


  • Improved messaging around Queued Extensions
  • Improved temporary file management
  • Increased Job Agent's max memory usage by setting Xmx JVM option to 256M
  • Provided sorters for date fields in the job list dashboard
  • Disabled the Gateway retry mechanics by default to improve throughput
  • Logging of stderr and stdout can be enabled for the Job Agent and thus Job Containers with
    • This redirects all logs produced, including all stdout and stderr also invoked by 3rd party class loaders including all RapidMiner extensions
    • The default path for those logs is home/log/
  • Logging of stderr and stdout can be enabled for Scoring Agent and Web API Agents
    • This redirects all logs produced, including all stdout and stderr also invoked by 3rd party class loaders including all RapidMiner extensions
    • The default path for those logs is home/log/
  • Switched default file size for incoming requests to 25G for AI Hub Server, Scoring Agent and Web API Agent
  • Switched default value for WEBAPI_REST_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT from 120000 to 300000
  • Switched default value for WEBAPI_REST_CLIENT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT from 120000 to 300000
  • Bumped License Agent version from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7
  • Bumped License Core version from 4.5.2 to 4.5.3
  • Bumped Studio Core version from 10.3.0 to 10.3.1
  • Upgraded all frontend dependencies and underlying build system to Node 18, npm9 and Vite
  • Moved from Gradle 6 to Gradle 8 as underlying build manager for backend applications


  • Fixed standalone user with aihub:admin role not being able to see Create Schedule button
  • Fixed Create Schedule auto-refresh not being visible for all users
  • Fixed ref not provided during context lookup for Endpoints
  • Fixed distribution of (native) Scoring Agent referencing wrong OS libraries for Altair Unit licensing
  • Fixed distribution of (native) Scoring Agent missing proper JXBrowser OS libraries
  • Fixed cleanup of global temporary directory in AI Hub
  • Fixed cleanup of Altair Unit temporary license location directory

License Proxy

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in License Proxy.


  • Increased log level for handling heartbeats