

You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 9.9 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Studio 9.5.1?

Released: Nov 20th, 2019

The following describes the bug fixes in RapidMiner Studio 9.5.1:


  • The expression parser (used for example in Generate Attributes) can now use real columns in addition to integer columns for the following functions:

    • date_add
    • date_set
    • rand
    • binominal

    Note that for obvious reasons it will only use the integer portion of the real value in this case.

  • Operator problems are now sorted by severity

  • Attribute type icons are now also shown in the metadata UI


  • Attributes of unknown type (attribute_value) are no longer shown as date_time attributes in some UI elements
  • Visualizations: The plot type selection popup and the other style configuration UI popups should now open on the correct screen in a multi-monitor setup on OS X
  • Visualizations: Fixed order of aggregated values for a nominal group-by column in Line/Area/Bar/Column/Heatmap plots


  • Development of extensions just got easier: If you have a Developer license, you can activate a new checkbox in the RapidMiner Studio settings: Grant development permissions to unsigned extensions in the Start-up section. This setting, once enabled and a restart of Studio has happened, will grant unsigned extensions all permissions as the Studio code itself has. Note: With great power comes great responsibility, so be sure that you don't have untrusted extensions loaded while this setting is active, as they would no longer be constrained in any way.