

You are viewing the RapidMiner Radoop documentation for version 9.10 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Radoop 9.9.0?

Released: March 24, 2021

The following improvements are part of RapidMiner Radoop 9.9.0.

New Features

  • Support for Cloudera CDP Private Cloud Base (version 7.1.x)
  • Support for Azure HDInsight 4.0


  • Connection import autodiscovery for Spark configuration
  • Clear DNS button on Manage Radoop Connections UI
  • Support for KDC traffic in Radoop Proxy

Note: this feature will only work properly with TCP based KDC traffic, and if reverse DNS lookup entries are added to your hosts file. See our Distribution notes for more details.


  • Fixed interoperability with new Belt-based operators in RapidMiner Studio core (affects Radoop Nest and SparkRM operators)
  • Fixed Drop operator use case when data under external tables was not dropped on Hive 1.x


Radoop 9.9.0 requires RapidMiner Studio and RapidMiner AI Hub version 9.8.0 (or later) to function properly.