

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.0 - Check here for latest version

Configuring RapidMiner Server without a Display

You can configure a machine that does not have an attached display monitor or does not support a graphical user interface (a "headless installation") by using the XML file you created in step 4 of the full server package installation. (In that step, you should have selected Install RapidMiner Server on a headless machine as the installation type to create the file.) The XML installer file contains all the information you entered in the installer. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<entry key="db_url">localhost</entry>
<entry key="db_port">3306</entry>
<entry key="server_service_id_overwrite">null</entry>
<entry key="eula_accepted">true</entry>
<entry key="server_port">8080</entry>
<entry key="db_password">MyDBpassword</entry>
<entry key="mail_password">MyMailPassword</entry>
<entry key="installation_directory">C:\Users\TestUser\rapidminer-server\rapidminer-server-9.0.0</entry>
<entry key="license_key">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</entry>
<entry key="server_host">HOSTNAME</entry>
<entry key="job_container_max_memory">2048</entry>
<entry key="db_driverclass">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</entry>
<entry key="server_register_as_service">false</entry>
<entry key="queue_port">5672</entry>
<entry key="mail_port">25</entry>
<entry key="server_service_linux_variant">SUSE</entry>
<entry key="mail_properties"/>
<entry key="mail_sender"></entry>
<entry key="db_system">MySQL</entry>
<entry key="memory_max">8096</entry>
<entry key="radoop_proxy_port">1081</entry>
<entry key="mail_url"></entry>
<entry key="server_service_name">RapidMiner_Server</entry>
<entry key="java_home">C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_172</entry>
<entry key="db_user">db_user</entry>
<entry key="server_service_id">RMS900-SVC</entry>
<entry key="db_driver_path_is_relative">true</entry>
<entry key="job_container_count">2</entry>
<entry key="job_agent_bundled">true</entry>
<entry key="server_host_bind_only">false</entry>
<entry key="radoop_proxy_enable">false</entry>
<entry key="home_directory">C:\Users\TestUser\rapidminer-server\rapidminer-server-home</entry>
<entry key="mail_user">admin</entry>
<entry key="db_schema">rapidminer_server</entry>
<entry key="db_driver_path">mysql-connector-java-5.1.31-bin.jar</entry>

Note that if you created the file on Windows and are installing it on Linux (or vice versa), you will need to edit the file to make operating system-specific changes.

Prerequisites for running a headless install

In addition to the prerequisites noted for the standard installation, the following are required to successfully complete an installation from the RapidMiner Server installation script:

  • Java 8 (either JDK or JRE) on the server you are installing on.
  • Access from the current server to the RapidMiner service database.
  • Write access to all required directories.

Running the installation

To use the captured installation script:

  1. Copy the installation script and the file to the headless machine on which RapidMiner Server will be installed.

  2. Log in to the headless machine using a remote shell (for example, SSH for Linux or PuTTY for Windows).

  3. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a temporary installation directory (for example, use unzip on GNU/Linux based systems to extract all installation files).

  4. From the bin directory (inside the RapidMiner Server temporary installation directory), run either:


./rapidminer-server-installer <file_name>.xml

or Windows:

rapidminer-server-installer.bat <file_name>.xml

When the command completes, return to the standard installation instructions to start RapidMiner Server.