

You are viewing the RapidMiner Hub documentation for version 9.10 - Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub

Released: 30nd Aug 2023

To upgrade from a previous 9.10.x version of RapidMiner AI Hub, follow the instructions given for version 9.10.4.

Note that you can upgrade directly from the previous 9.10.x version, even if your previous version is < 9.10.4, but you should be careful not to abort the new startup of RapidMiner AI Hub, because of the automated database and home directory migration steps that occur when the previous version < 9.10.4. You do not need to make an intermediate upgrade to 9.10.4.


  • Updated OS patches
  • Use Adopt JDK8u382b05


  • Fixed active python environment handling