You are viewing the RapidMiner Studio documentation for version 9.1 - Check here for latest version
Add to Solr (Documents)
This operator adds collections of documents to Solr.Description
To connect to a Solr server, you have to specify a Solr connection. This comprises the URL of a Solr server and an optional user/password combination for authentication. Typically, the Solr server URL ends with the string '/solr'.
The next step is to select a collection on the server. A collection can be imagined as a table. It is composed of several columns, which are called Solr fields. A Solr field has a type (e.g. number) and a key (the name of the column). Each entry in Solr can be imagined as a row and contains values for the respective fields.
A RapidMiner document has a set of metadata records, which consist of a key and a related value. The metadata keys are mapped to the Solr attributes. RapidMiner documents have an additional body. Therefore you can select a Solr field, in which the document body will be stored.
documents (Collection)
This port connects a collection of documents, which has to be added. This port is extendable.
documents (Collection)
The added collection of documents are provided at this port. This port is extendable.
- connection The connection details for the Solr connection have to be specified. If you have already configured a Solr connection, you can select it from the drop-down list. If you have not configured a Solr connection yet, select the icon to the right of the drop-down list. Create a new Solr connection in the Manage connections dialog. The Solr server URL is required. Additionally, you can specify a username/password combination for authentication. Range: configurable
- collection Provide the name of the Solr collection, which has to be used to access data. Range: string
- document_body_field The Solr field, which is used for the RapidMiner document body. Range: string